Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monster Mash

The 2nd Annual Banff Mansion Murder Mystery Dinner took place on October 17th this year.  Nathan (a.k.a. Buster Ghost) and I (Di Wrecked, the producer of a haunted house TV series), appeared at the event dressed as our characters.

Buster Ghost including Ectoplasmic Detector (flash light, shoe box, stick, and duct tape) & Ghost Bag

I had to sit between a narcissistic ghost hunter who had seen over two ghosts (Nathan) and a somewhat violent turkey-choking ex-con played by our friend Danny.  For anyone that's never been to a murder mystery dinner before, it starts out with a murder, then, more and more clues pointing to the murderer are disclosed throughout the night and dinner courses are sprinkled in between.

The food was great, most people had WAY too much Witch's Brew, and, fittingly, Danny (a.k.a. Si Coe) was the murderer.  Above he is posing with his prize for best actor of the night with a gun, which coincidentally was not the murder weapon.  He had, of course, used his turkey-choking skills to strangle one of our TV hosts with a belt...in the dungeon.

Witch's Brew + a pinata held up by Danny - this should be good!
Also pictured: Katie (pregnant nun), Migs (host), Lisa (host & maid), & Jossie

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