Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ngorongoro Crater: The Video

Ngorongoro Crater was my favorite Tanzanian park and home to one of the funniest and sadest things that happened all trip. The crater itself was formed by an ancient volcano, which imploded and became inactive. The sides are so steep that most animals never leave the crater, so it's teeming with amazing wildlife.

We went on Nathan's birthday with the best lunch packed we'd had all week: a BLT sandwich and the normal cornbread and hard-boiled egg, but stopped for lunch at a beautiful lake with harmless, large Kites circling overhead. Despite being warned of the "friendliness" of the birds several times, we decided to sit on the ground and eat our lunches. It didn't take two minutes, when, just after our guide, Dennis, had just said, "Nathan, be careful how you hold your sandwich" - a rush of air, an exploding sandwich, several kites, and suddenly Nathan was without his birthday lunch. Classic.

Here is Nathan's latest video in the safari series: Ngorongoro.

To read more about Ngorongoro, check out my previous post.

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