Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's Baby Time!

OK, it's not really baby time yet, but rather I'm within the period of uncomfortability and gestational viability that makes it seem like the baby should arrive any day.  In reality, we still have a month from yesterday until the due date (8/24).

 First pregnant shot taken in good ol' ND (April)

I haven't really posted much about the pregnancy along the way.  Partially because it would be just plain boring to report on kick counts and partially because I got teased by a friend for saying I "love, love, loved being a future mom" in this post back in April.  Turns out that friend was actually pregnant too and probably just jealous she couldn't let the cat out of the bag yet.  Parental obsession seems to manifest itself in different ways: I decided to blog it, she decided to buy a crib before her first trimester was over - I think we both have a problem holding in our excitement.

 Hiking (Effigy Mounds) not quite as fun as it used to be (May)
Photo Credit: Allan King

Anyway, things are going quite well for us.  We seem to be right on track with no apparent problems so far.  We haven't had (and probably won't have) an ultrasound since April.  The kid looked great back then, but we've given her enough time to sprout a few extra limbs and possibly some devil horns, so it'll be interesting to see what we actually get!

 Kid without tentacles (April)

I am starting to get a bit uncomfortable now and since my license to whine expires soon, I better take advantage of it.  People, the reason why pregnant ladies have such a bad reputation is because, well, we're in pain.  On most occasions, it's super-cool to be kicked from the inside out, but keep in mind that kicking includes surprisingly strong shots to the ribs and bladder.  I wouldn't be taking this kind of treatment from anyone else!  I really feel like I've had things pretty easy compared to some women, but the worst part for me is the lack of mobility.  Tying my shoes is very much a chore and I've actually had very pleasant conversations with 80-year-old women comparing our aches and pains.

 4th of July @ the Fort

Bottom line is I'm ready.  I'm ready to feel like myself again, I'm ready to see what this kid actually looks like, and I'm ready to get her out here and show her all of the amazing things I've found on this planet.  So, go ahead and tease me for being cheesy if you want, but when it's your turn, you'll understand.

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