Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crazy Things Parents Say

Being a mom has brought out the best...and the worst in me at times.  Despite some trying times, I stay generally entertained by Alison's funny faces and by listening to the strange things that come out of my mouth.  Here is a short sampling from the past two days, just business as usual in the King household now:

"Please try not to pee on me."

"Could you not crash your head into things?"

"Hey, poop on your own time!"

Me: "You look like an earless Yoda!"  Nathan: "Yoda, you look like." 

"Your eye goopies make you look like a zombie." 

[Burp] "Yay!  FINALLY, good burpie!"

"Shut up!  Shut up! Shut up! Shut uuuuuup!" (Something I've really wanted to say in several business meetings.)

"Hey look, it's an arm!  Hand-y!"

10-20-10 - Almost seven weeks!

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