Friday, January 21, 2011

We're Moving to DC

For the entire time that I've had this blog, there's always uncertainty in our lives surrounding where Nathan and I will be in the next few months.  My Myers-Briggs score is certain of only one thing and that's that I'm a J - a major planner, but Nathan's willy-nilly schedule as a Park Ranger has forced me to relax and go with the flow.  I've gotten quite good at adjusting to whatever comes our way and have loved almost every place we've been - Glacier, Theodore Roosevelt, Pipestone, Tanzania - all very good.  Then Alison arrived and suddenly a little more structure in our lives seemed welcome.

Well, we're getting it!  Nathan has been offered a full-time, year-round GS 5-7-9 position on the National Mall in Washington DC.  If you told me a few years ago that I'd be moving to DC, I might have gotten really angry.  However, our trip to visit Nathan's brother, Justin, proved my horribly-crime-ridden-and-a-slippery-politician-on-every-corner impression wrong and I had declared in a previous blog, "I think I could live here"!

October 2009 - Yes, we're not wearing jackets in October!

 There are a lot of reasons I'm excited to be in DC: closer to family, farmer's markets galore, cheaper travel, and people that think like they're from Madison.  The best part is all of the interesting people and organizations working their butts off to make this world a better place.  Now, more often than not when I hear about the latest renewable energy conference or Sierra Club event, guess where it is?  My new backyard.

We're flying out next week to find an apartment and will be there permanently by February 28th.  I'll miss the wide open spaces of North Dakota, but am excited to explore the East Coast!

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