Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Less Than Two Days

Finally, it's here! I leave in less than two days for Tanzania. I'm packed, everything fits, and I'm ready to get started on this adventure.

Work, however, is not ready for me to get started. Instead of winding down in a gentle, sloping manner, it seems to be ramping up - headed for the cliff of despair when I finally cut the cord and leave on Thursday. Our poor team has lost four people in the last few months - two of them left unexpectedly two weeks ago. Almost no amount of planning can prepare you for that, so we've been scrambling. Do I think the team will be fine...eventually? Of course, but right now it's pretty hectic.

That small bump aside, I plan to blog often when I'm in Tanzania. Although, I may do a bit more blogging on the external IBM Site, since that's what IBM wants. So, keep an eye on this blog and IBM's: https://www.adtech.internet.ibm.com/corporateservicecorps/countries/tanzania

Both should be exciting!

1 comment:

dwd said...

Good luck and travel safely! Your Wisconsin alumni friends are waiting for your return. Enjoy!