Sunday, November 2, 2008

Campaign Reform

After just seeing three ads in a row of spatting between Norm Coleman, the current MN Senator, and Al Frankin, his Democratic opponent, I couldn't help but think about all the money they're wasting on proving that both of them act like they're still in middle school.

It's not only these two, but take a look at how much money all of our candidates waste - travel, flyers (most of which probably aren't recycled), ads, meetings, etc. Now, I love democracy, but I think there's a much better way we could do this.

Here's a really wild idea - instead of spending your campaign contributions on attack ads, why don't you donate your money to charities that mirror your beliefs. For example, if one of your campaign focal points is conservation, why not contribute to the World Wildlife Foundation. If you're for lower housing cost for low-income families, donate to Habitat for Humanity. Then, go brag about where you're donating on YouTube - FOR FREE!!

How much better would the world be if candidates could agree to do this? Not only would we be given a reprise from childish attack ads, but charities that actually need the money would be funded.

You're probably saying - no - this would never work, people need to feel like they're getting to know their candidate and that's only done through personal contact. Well, I'm not saying all their money needs to go to charity, just a percentage of it. The rest could be used for anything else EXCEPT advertisements. They'll get enough free media attention and chances to explain themselves online - we don't need them interrupting us during commercial breaks and in our mailboxes too.

This campaign has been ridiculous and I'm ashamed by the way our Senator and his opponent have been acting. I wish I could make them both go to their rooms without dinner to think about what they've done.

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