Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hiking Challenge - Day 3

Today we inadvertently blazed a new trail. Well, new for humans anyway. On the map that Nathan has there is a little loop trail on the East side of the park that starts next to the bison round-up pen in which Nathan spent four days wrangling bison in November. When we got there, no trail could be found, so we started down a deer/elk trail and went with the flow.

Bison Round-Up Enclosure
We ended up walking along a plateau right at the edge of prairie grasslands and badlands, scaring four elk out of the brush as we descended down a bluff and into an otherworldly habitat.

Canonball Concretion

I love walking off-trail and often wondered if in the place I last took a step I am the first human being to ever step there. I've only had that feeling once before when we lost the trail climbing Reynolds at Glacier and ended up scrambling up an unmarked side.

These tiny sticks looked like they were fighting. We also saw some deer, but no mountain lions or rattle snakes like I was hoping. It's pretty easy to hike off-trail in Theodore Roosevelt because, as Nathan points out, if you just walk far enough, you're sure to hit a fence or a road.

Afterwards we decided to drive into Belfield and eat at the Trapper's Kettle, which I mentioned back in February.

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