However, it became a lot more Steller while on my 4th of July weekend trip to Colorado with my friend, Sara.
We ditched work a day early and ended up in Greeley Thursday night at 9:30 MST. We're currently staying with her parents who have been nice enough to take in the two of us, plus two other siblings, their spouses, and a cousin.
A subset of us decided to spend Friday in Rocky Mountain National Park. Yes, it was going to be a crowded day, but a little bit of Rocky Mountain is better than no Rocky Mountain.
The Old Fall River Road had just opened for the year. It is a one-way, dirt road to the Alpine Visitor's Center located at an altitude of almost 12,000 ft. Our first stop was the Alluvial Fan - a rocky, roaring river passage formed by a giant avalanche in 1982. On our way up, we also saw Chasm Falls, beautiful mountain scenery, a pair of elk, and a yellow-bellied marmot.
The top, where Old Fall River Road and Trail Ridge Road meet up was packed. I kept having flashbacks to any day of the summer after 10am at Logan Pass in Glacier National Park. I thought looking for a parking spot would be absolutely futile. But, as I was reminded all day by the beautiful, but somehow incomparable scenery - this is not Glacier National Park. We got a spot just in time for torrential rainfall to begin, keeping me from climbing the short trail to the top of a nearby mountain. I did, however, find some jelly bean rocks that I've been craving since my childhood in Arizona.
We were forced to have our picnic lunch in the car while I marveled at the bag of chips and science in action.
On the way down, we hit a 30-minute traffic jam, which got me all excited. Could this be a bear jam??! Nope, we sat 30 minutes in the car waiting for.....ELK. Ok, they were three magnificent elk, but ELK none-the-less.
All-in-all, I didn't get a chance to do any hiking, but it was really fun to see the park. Like Glacier, RM has a couple roads and a whole lot of unexplored back country. I'm already planning my next major hiking trip, including the scaling of a few of their famous "14ers". (14,000 feet actually sounds pleasant now that we're off of Kili.) Hasta la vista, Rocky. I'll be back.
Watch out Long's Peak! Ask Jennifer about Flat Top Mountain and the slide down Hallet's glacier.
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