Sunday, November 22, 2009

Home Sweet Home

The title of this blog post is ironic because as of Saturday, I am officially a nomad.  Or maybe I'm the opposite of a nomad since I technically have two places to live.  Whatever the case may be, I am currently in Medora, North Dakota basking in the intense sun, breathing in the incredibly dry air, and watching yellowed corn husks cross the road by the hundreds wishing they were tumbleweeds.

All of the familiar giant animals and roadside attractions (Salem Sue, Jamestown's Buffalo, Geese In Flight, etc), seem to be welcoming me home, which it already feels like around here.  Today, we put down our first real roots - we joined the West River Community Center in Dickinson for the next three months.  Now, that's what I call commitment! 

Geese In Flight near sunset, which is 4pm here!

I have to admit I'm not entirely ready to give up Rochester, though.  I got a couple of very awesome parting gifts that only served to remind me how much I'm giving up.  A Dinner Club cookbook complete with photos and the word BACON always in caps serves as a reminder that I will REALLY miss my friends back home.  From my department, I got a web cam, so I can always feel like I'm closer than I really am.  I can't say it's not comforting and can't say that I won't miss the people and won't miss being "home".

Our very first webcam photo!

Bye, Rochester!

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